Optimize RAF with the Right Clinical Documentation for Risk Adjustment – Part 4

This compares two simulated patients with similar complexities but different disease conditions to demonstrate how accurate clinical documentation impacts Risk Adjustment Factor (RAF) scores and potential Medicare Advantage (MA) payments. This is intended for CDI educational purposes only and illustrates how variations in disease conditions can affect RAF scores and corresponding MA payments.

Patient 1:

Assessment says a 65-year-old male patient with Pancreatitis unspecified, Myasthenia gravis, Major depressive disorder single episode severe, coronary artery disease.

Category/ ICD10 Diagnosis Description CMS-HCC-V24 CMS-HCC-V28 CY2024
Raf Score MA Payment
Demographic - - - 0.324 $3265.81
K8510 Biliary acute pancreatitis without necrosis or infection
(Non-HCC ICD10 Code)
- - - -
G7000 Myasthenia gravis without (acute) exacerbation HCC 75 HCC 196 0.501 $5055.07
F322 Major depressive disorder, single episode,
severe without psychotic features
HCC 59 HCC 155 0.302 $3038.90
I2510 Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery without angina pectoris
(Non-HCC ICD10 Code)
- - - -
Grand Total - - - 1.128 $ 11359.78

Note: : The Date of Service (DOS) is assumed to be in 2024, so the RAF scores are blended using both V24 and V28 models.

Patient 2:

Assessment says a 65-year-old male patient with Chronic Pancreatitis, Myasthenia gravis with (acute) exacerbation, Major depressive disorder single episode severe with psychotic features, coronary artery disease with angina.

Category/ ICD10 Diagnosis Description CMS-HCC-V24 CMS-HCC-V28 CY2024
Raf Score MA Payment
Demographic - - - 0.324 $3265.81
K861 Other chronic pancreatitis HCC 34 HCC 79 0.334 $3375.15
G7001 Myasthenia gravis with (acute) exacerbation HCC 75 HCC 195 2.105 $21733.25
F323 Major depressive disorder, single episode, severe with psychotic features HCC 59 HCC 152 0.426 $4328.27
I25119 Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery with unspecified angina pectoris HCC 88 - 0.045 $417.23
HCC COUNT - - - 0.002 $18.54
Grand Total - - - 3.236 $33138.24

Note: The Date of Service (DOS) is assumed to be in 2024, so the RAF scores are blended using both V24 and V28 models.

Comparison of Patient 1 and 2:

Patient 1 has a RAF score of 1.128, while Patient 2 has a RAF score of 3.236

Patient 1 Patient 2 Improvements
Pancreatitis unspecified Chronic Pancreatitis Chronic Severity is mentioned
Myasthenia gravis Myasthenia gravis with (acute) exacerbation Exacerbation Severity is mentioned
Major depressive disorder, single episode, severe Major depressive disorder, single episode, severe with psychotic features Psychotic features Severity is mentioned
Coronary artery disease Coronary artery disease with Angina With angina Severity is mentioned
For Patient 1, we have unspecified Severity of diagnoses.

For Patient 2, we have severity of the same diagnoses. Provider have documented correct severity when applicable.

The two patients, despite having similar complexity, exhibit varying diagnoses, leading to significantly different RAF Score. Patient 1 had a total RAF score of 1.128, resulting in an annual Medicare Advantage member payment of $11359.78, while Patient 2 had a RAF score of 3.326, with a potential Medicare Advantage member payment of $33138.24

It is crucial to accurately document disease severity and appropriately acknowledge the effort of physician in serving a chronic conditions or complex population.
Note: Prior to documenting any diagnosis, physician should assess/evaluate and confirm it during the patient's visit. Unsupported diagnoses in documentation will not be upheld during an audit.