CMS HCC RAF Score Analysis Tool for Pre-Prospective Coding Click to edit
CMS HCC RAF Score Analysis Tool for Pre-Prospective Coding
Use for DOS from Jan 1, 2024, to Dec 31, 2024
Sample Data: C9200,D66,G8250,G7001,E1152,E849,E1122,N185,E7402,I5023 Use this!
S.No ICD 10 CM Code Validation Flag HCC Value Diagnosis Description Delete Record
S.No ICD 10 CM Code Flag CMS-HCC-V24 CMS-HCC-V28 Diagnosis Description Delete Record
Category Current Year Current Year + Last Year
RAF Score MA Payment RAF Score MA Payment
Category CMS-HCC-V24 CMS-HCC-V28
ICD10 HCC Current Year ALL HCC Current Year ALL Current Year ALL
RAF Score MA Payment RAF Score MA Payment RAF Score MA Payment RAF Score MA Payment RAF Score MA Payment RAF Score MA Payment

Optimize your prospective risk adjustment coding and pre-assess your revenue potential with our RAF Score Analysis Tool.

This tool is designed to revolutionize your clinical documentation improvement (CDI) efforts, this advanced software provides accurate and actionable insights to prioritize high-value charts and enhance revenue capture with prospective risk adjustment coding.

Efficient Prospective Chart Review: Pre-identify and focus only on High-Value Opportunities

Our RAF Score Analysis Tool helps with prospective review and simplifies the prospective chart review process. By analyzing historical claims data with HCC risk score algorithms, it identifies high-value charts that require further attention.

Our tool ensures that valuable opportunities for CDI are not overlooked, maximizing your revenue potential with prospective risk adjustment coding.

Targeted Clinical Document Improvement: Drive Revenue Growth

It goes beyond traditional methods by evaluating each ICD, and interactions among ICDs for its revenue impact and identifying the ICDs that offer the highest revenue potential with prospective risk adjustment coding, enabling physicians to prioritize their CDI efforts effectively.

By focusing on ICDs that truly impact revenue, you can drive substantial revenue growth and optimize your prospective review practices.

Comprehensive Analysis for Informed Decision-Making

Make informed decisions based on the comprehensive analysis report provided by our RAF Score Analysis Tool for prospective risk adjustment coding. The thorough evaluation of demographic data, diagnosis data, and their interactions ensures that you can accurately determine which CDI gaps have a revenue impact and prioritize them accordingly.

Streamlined Prospective Coding Workflow

Our CMS HCC RAF Score Analysis tool’s intuitive user interface and robust features simplify the process, saving valuable time and effort for your medical coding team. Benefit from its automated analysis, accurate recommendations, and comprehensive reporting, enabling you to optimize your medical coding practices and revenue outcomes effectively.

The tool processes each diagnosis code (ICD10) along with corresponding flags, Last_Year or Current_Year, to indicate the respective year to which the ICD10 belongs.

Experience the benefits of our cutting-edge tool and take your prospective coding to newer heights. Get started today and reach the full revenue potential within your coding processes.

Demographic Inputs
Risk Model
Risk Factor