Simplify Your Provider Data Search with Our User-Friendly Healthcare Provider NPI Directory in the USA!

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Are you in search of a comprehensive Healthcare Provider directory company and user-friendly PDF tool that enables you to perform a quick search on a specific healthcare provider using their names or NPI?

NPI Data Services is one of the leading Healthcare data providers and healthcare provider NPI Directory companies, offering a very user-friendly healthcare Provider NPI Directory, providing valuable information in a convenient PDF format. Our e-Directory is available for all 50 states in the US, including Puerto Rico and Washington D.C., catering to your specific needs. Each state's e-Directory encompasses a comprehensive database encompassing both individual and organizational healthcare providers. With carefully designed bookmarks and internal links, locating healthcare providers using their names and NPI (National Provider Identifier) is effortlessly efficient. The healthcare provider npi directory by state conveniently categorizes individual providers, organizations, and NPIs, streamlining your search process.

NPI Data Services provides a state-wise US Provider Data e-Directory, empowering users to access an extensive national NPI directory. With an easy-to-navigate platform, users can search for healthcare providers using various parameters, ensuring a seamless experience.

Free e-Directory

Healthcare National Provider Identifier Directory Delivery

Upon successful payment completion, you can immediately download the e-Directory. The PDF files for each state will be separately compressed in a zip file, easily accessible through the "Downloads" section under the "Account" menu. To access this menu, kindly log in to our website. Should you have any specific delivery requests, kindly reach out to us. Our dedicated email support team is readily available to assist you, and you can find our contact information on our website's "Contact Us" page. We aim to respond to your inquiries within two business days.

Healthcare Provider NPI directory - Purchase & Download

We provide the option for a one-time purchase and download national provider identifier Directory, enabling you to acquire the current state-wise e-Directory at your convenience. Simply add the desired healthcare national provider identifier Directory to your cart, and it will be readily available for download.

Product Name

Product Price

File size

Records Count

Purchase Link

Alaska State eDirectory $200 5.56 0
Alabama State eDirectory $200 14.80 0
Arkansas State eDirectory $200 13.17 0
Arizona State eDirectory $200 27.49 0
California State eDirectory $200 171.10 0
Colorado State eDirectory $200 29.82 0
Connecticut State eDirectory $200 16.31 0
District of Columbia eDirectory $200 7.75 0
Delaware State eDirectory $200 4.48 0
Florida State eDirectory $200 100.06 0
Georgia State eDirectory $200 36.28 0
Hawaii eDirectory $200 6.45 0
Iowa State eDirectory $200 10.03 0
Idaho State eDirectory $200 7.02 0
Illinois State eDirectory $200 49.72 0
Indiana State eDirectory $200 22.74 0
Kansas State eDirectory $200 11.24 0
Kentucky State eDirectory $200 17.71 0
Louisiana State eDirectory $200 19.64 0
Massachusetts State eDirectory $200 39.11 0
Maryland State eDirectory $200 31.17 0
Maine State eDirectory $200 6.85 0
Michigan State eDirectory $200 51.79 0
Minnesota State eDirectory $200 24.73 0
Missouri State eDirectory $200 23.36 0
Mississippi State eDirectory $200 9.25 0
Montana State eDirectory $200 4.83 0
North Carolina State eDirectory $200 42.39 0
North Dakota State eDirectory $200 4.10 0
Nebraska State eDirectory $200 8.69 0
New Hampshire State eDirectory $200 6.41 0
New Jersey State eDirectory $200 36.59 0
New Mexico State eDirectory $200 10.62 0
Nevada State eDirectory $200 16.94 0
New York State eDirectory $200 101.26 0
Ohio State eDirectory $200 60.03 0
Oklahoma State eDirectory $200 17.68 0
Oregon State eDirectory $200 22.82 0
Pennsylvania State eDirectory $200 52.94 0
Puerto Rico eDirectory $200 9.62 0
Rhode Island State eDirectory $200 5.01 0
South Carolina State eDirectory $200 18.01 0
South Dakota State eDirectory $200 3.66 0
Tennessee State eDirectory $200 25.00 0
Texas State eDirectory $200 94.61 0
Utah State eDirectory $200 13.71 0
Virginia State eDirectory $200 31.50 0
Vermont State eDirectory $200 3.04 0
Washington State eDirectory $200 37.39 0
Wisconsin State eDirectory $200 22.10 0
West Virginia State eDirectory $200 11.54 0
Wyoming State eDirectory $200 3.00 0

Custom Data Requirements & Support

Do you have unique requirements for your provider data, such as a custom structure or layout?

Are you seeking delivery in formats like Microsoft Excel (xlsx) or Microsoft Access, or any other specific file type?

Are you interested in subscribing for a duration of one or two years?

We are here to assist you. Kindly contact us and share your specific requirements.

You can reach out to us via email or our "Contact Us" page. Rest assured; we will respond to your inquiry within two business days.